The application for the 2024-2025 cycle (for Fall 2025 matriculation) closed as of December 3, 2024. We do not accept late applications (absolutely no exceptions) or late materials.✯

IMPORTANT: The Economics Ph.D. program is residential, there is no remote enrollment option. Please also make sure to check the admissions timeline, all decisions will be communicated no later than early-to-mid-March. 

Recognizing the challenges to teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Economics adopted the following principle and policy for our graduate program. 

The Department of Economics evaluates applicants for admission to our graduate program holistically, meaning that we consider an applicant’s combination of personal accomplishments, letters of recommendation, personal statements, academic record, and test scores in making our admissions decisions. Such a review will take into account the significant disruptions of COVID-19 when reviewing students’ transcripts and other admissions materials from Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021. We understand that many institutions across the country instituted P/NP grading policies during that semester (including UC Berkeley). Thus, we will not penalize students for the adoption of P/NP and other grading options during this unprecedented period, whether the choices were made by institutions or by individual students. Our admissions evaluation will focus primarily on a student’s academic performance prior to this period, and if applicable, following this period.

✯Late materials are absolutely not accepted after December 12th (for the 24/25 cycle, admits matriculating in Fall 2025).

Application Fee Waiver

Alums of the American Economic Association Summer Training and Scholarship Program qualify, for more information please visit:

Fall 2024 Application Updates

Application AvailableSeptember 10, 2024
Deadline to submit ApplicationDecember 3, 2024 at 8:59pm PT

The Department of Economics offers a Ph.D. degree.  There is no external, terminal program for the M.A. degree. 

The online application is available on the Graduate Division Home Page. This direct link to the Graduate Admissions Page has information on applying to Berkeley.

The Social Sciences Graduate Diversity Office provides helpful resources, links, and tools for successfully completing the graduate application.

***All applicants must apply online and to only ONE (1) program at a time (we do not allow applications to multiple programs in the same cycle).

The online application (including the Personal History Statement and Statement of Purpose) must be submitted by December 3, 2024.

Supporting documents i.e., 3 letters of recommendation, official and valid GRE Scores (required), and TOEFL or IELTS scores (if applicable) MUST be received no later than December 12, 2024. Materials will not be accepted after the deadline.  GRE scores are valid five years from the test date and TOEFL / IELTS scores are valid two years from the test date. Please review the FAQs here

IMPORTANT: the name and email on your scores and application MUST be an exact match for the scores to be automatically merged to your application. Any slight difference in name (middle name, accent, initial, second last name) or  email address will result in your scores being listed as "awaiting". Please get in touch with if you need your scores to be manually merged to your application materials. 

***Please DO NOT send Fall/Winter 2024 grades. 

Late application submissions will not be considered after the December 3, 2024, 8:59pm (Pacific Time) deadline.

We do not offer any extensions, so we encourage any applicant to finalize their submission by the deadline. 

Incomplete applications will be reviewed but likely will not be considered for admission. Due to the volume of applications we have received, we will not be able to verify we have received individual application materials, applicants should check their application portal for status updates and to confirm the applicant is in fact complete. Thank you.

Cost of Attendance for 2024-2025