Echenique, Federico
Economic TheoryMathematical Economics
Teaching Status:
Economic Theory, Economics and Computation, and Mathematical Economics
University of California, Berkeley, 2000
Revealed Preference Theory, Matching and Market Design, Economics and Computer Science
Current Research:
Discrete allocation problems
Short Biography
Federico Echenique's research focuses on understanding economic models of agents and markets. He is interested in determining the testable implications of economic models, and the relationship between different theoretical models and the data possibly used to test them. He is also studying fairness and efficiency in discrete allocation problems, such as two-sided matching markets and one-sided object allocation. Echenique is active in research at the intersection of economics and computer science.
Echenique is Licenciado en Economía from the Universidad de la República in Uruguay and holds a PhD in economics from UC Berkeley. He is a fellow of the Econometric Society, of the Game Theory Society, and of the Society of Advancement of Economic Theory. Prior to joining the Berkeley faculty, he was the Allen and Lenabelle Davis Professor of Economics at the California Institute of Technology, where he served on the faculty for 20 years. Echenique has served on the editorial boards for the American Economic Review, Econometrica, The Economic Journal, Economic Theory, and the Journal of Economic Theory. He has co-chaired the Economics and Computation conference of the ACM and is currently a co-editor of Theoretical Economics.