Train, Kenneth E.
Kenneth Train joined the Berkeley faculty in 1979. He received his BA from Harvard in 1973 and PhD from Berkeley in 1977. He is currently an Adjunct Professor Emeritus of Economics and Public Policy at Berkeley and also an Academic Advisor at the Brattle Group. He has served on the editorial boards of six journals, the Research Advisory Board of the National Regulatory Research Institute, and the Board of Directors of the International Telecommunications Society. For seven years, he chaired Berkeley's Center for Regulatory Policy. Currently, he serves on the Board of Advice for the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at the University of Sydney and on the Editorial Boards of Foundations and Trends in Econometrics and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. He has testified as an expert witness in regulatory proceedings and several prominent court cases.Professor Train has won numerous awards for his teaching and research. In 2002, he won the award for Best Energy Journal Paper from the International Association of Energy Economists. He also won the Richard Stone Prize in Applied Econometrics for best article in the 2000 and 2001 issues of Journal of Applied Econometrics, and the Award for Best Paper, Advanced Research Techniques Forum, American Marketing Association, 2000. He has received teaching awards from the Graduate Economics Association, the Graduate School of Public Policy, and the Undergraduate Economics Association.