Craine, Roger
Teaching Status:
Macroeconomics, finance
Ph.D. University of Maryland, 1972
Macroeconomic policy; decision-making under uncertainty
Current Research:
Banking and finance; dynamic economics
Short Biography
Roger Craine joined UC Berkeley as a Professor in 1977 after serving as Senior Economist on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from 1968-1977. He also served as Economist from 1981-1982 at the Federal Reserve System. He currently is on the JEDC Board of Advisors and is a member of the IFAC International Program Committee. Professor Craine also was Special Projects Editor for the Review of Economic Dynamics from 1997-2000 and Editor of the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control from 1987-1994. Between 1992-1997 he was a member of the International Bureau for Economic Research, and he was a member of the Council of the Society for Economic Dynamics between 1994-2004.